Carpark Floor Coating System
Found out damages in the car park ground but have no idea how to fix them? Thinking of buying some construction material but worry about the quality not being up to standard? In fact, the car park flooring is way different than the ordinary pedestrian floors that have to withstand the pressure and weight of being rolled over by cars every day. Therefore, the car park floor damage problem can only be solved using materials that are developed and produced in accordance with a series of international standards instead of simply purchasing some paint and repair in a hardware store. Sika has advanced production equipment in global factories to produce more than a dozen products with different functions, providing users with professional materials to meet usage requirements.
Why Sikafloor® Carpark Flooring System Products?
Excellent pressure & wear resistance
A coating that is strong and highly resistant to pressure is the first prerequisite for building a durable carpark. The Sikafloor® system has high pressure resistance and abrasion resistance, making it the cost-effective flooring material of choice for parking lot owners.
Parking Abrasion Test (PAT)
Sika has developed a parking floor testing method that simulates stresses on coating systems under real-life conditions. This ensures that Sika's carpark flooring materials can meet international anti-wear standards and have better durability.
Parking Abrasion Test (PAT)
Good anti-slip and waterproof performance
Sika's floor material design also takes into account the safety of users. Sikafloor® has good anti-slip properties to ensure the safety of road users. In addition, waterproofing performance is also an important part of the parking lot. Sika flooring systems can be equipped with waterproofing functions. Our professional team can provide the most appropriate solution for the project.
Chemical resistant and easy to clean
Carpark floors are often exposed to different chemicals, such as fuels, solvents, cleaning agents, etc. Sikafloor® flooring materials are highly chemical-resistant, increasing durability and making cleaning easier.
Electric vehicle compatible
As the use of electric vehicles becomes more widespread, it is important to consider the impact they may have on parking structure. A primary concern is the additional stress the added weight of electric vehicles will put on the parking structure. Therefore, parking lot owners should carry out regular maintenance, renovation and reinforcement to ensure safety.
Sika has been committed to optimizing the global car park and car park environment. Car park users can add anti-static or hidden ground circuit wiring and other functions to meet the needs of future electric vehicles.
Environmentally friendly and non-toxic
Sika's raw materials have been professionally tested and do not contain harmful substances to the human body, so users can use them with confidence.
Fast Drying
If the car park needs emergency repairs, Sikafloor® accelerator-containing formula materials can be used, and the project can be completed within one day at the earliest.
Color and Design Variety
Sika's flooring systems are available in a wide range of color options, ensuring design freedom and meeting specific needs. Users can also print their own designs and fonts, and even choose the gloss and roughness of the floor surface.
Hong Kong Car Park Floor Project Reference Photo